
Inspiration for the mind

The psyche is a part of the body. I experience that this is indeed the case every day in my practice. Often treatments of the body come up against limits that can be explained and influenced by looking at the next higher level. Every change of perspective in turn brings demonstrable physical and mental relaxation. For me, this is a fascinating expansion of the view of the „human system“. Seen in this light, it was somehow only logical that I expand my „toolbox“ with tools that go beyond manual therapies.

I like to compare coaching with looking through a telephoto lens. The consciously induced „zooming in“ on one’s own life provides different insights, opens up new choices and creates more room for manoeuvre. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a crisis, want to achieve top performance in sport, want to reach a professional goal or want to fully recover from an injury.

According to the wingwave® method.


When we are under (performance) stress, our entire body is neurobiologically in survival mode. This prevents creative solutions, because our brain needs serenity for this. Stress is always an individual assessment and different for everyone. Coaching clarifies the personal triggers and stressors.


Very few people are aware of the power of their individual abilities. Coaching draws attention to existing resources and creates an awareness of strengths, sources of strength, competencies, needs and motivations. These „aha experiences“ change the way of thinking and expand the scope for action.


Changed perspectives result in physical relaxation. Nevertheless, new insights must also be put into practice – in one’s own everyday life – even if everything is clear in theory. In concrete terms this means: Apply it. Trying it out. Check the relevance of the thought-provoking impulses in actual life and let them take effect.

"Who believes to be something has stopped becoming anything."


The wingwave® method

In coaching, I work according to an approach that has been researched through 20 university studies. The wingwave® method uses the structure of the brain to dissolve inhibitions, fears, blockages and patterns. In doing so, I induce so-called awake Rapid Eye Movement phases in the test person, which people otherwise only experience in deep sleep. This proven method leads to stress reduction, mental fitness, conflict stability and creativity within a few sessions.